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 Lightweight Concrete Technologies 


 E.P.S Styrofoam granular mortar - concrete admixture

 It forms a bond between styrofoam granules and cement mortar.  It creates air bubbles in the cement mortar accumulated in the gap between the granules and reduces the cement consumption.  It provides good strength due to the crystallization in the inner wall of the cement mortar surrounding the air bubbles surface.

Prepared with POLİFİL, Styrofoam Granulated concrete Breathable, Does not perspiration, Moisture-proof.  It provides long-lasting concrete.

POLIFIL Additive

    Artra kimya contact


    Beylikdüzü / İstanbul /Turkey


    Telf: +90 531 725 5565

    Whatsapp: +90541 852 2290

    Skayp: artrainsaat 

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